The sirena or mermaid and the facts surrounding this mythical creature are of Spanish origin. Using the 160 volumes of the Beyer Ethnographic Series, I was amazed
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This section contains legends, myths, and studies on the folkloric beings of the Philippine archipelago. These beings have been popularly classified as the “creatures of Philippine lower mythology.” In many cases, some of these beings are still living beliefs. Please use the site search function to look up specific folkloric beings and attributes.
Check out our “Compendium Of Creatures & Mythical Beings From Philippine Folklore & Mythology”
The sirena or mermaid and the facts surrounding this mythical creature are of Spanish origin. Using the 160 volumes of the Beyer Ethnographic Series, I was amazed
Read moreThe subject of countless movies here in the Philippines, the Manananggal and Wakwak are other types of evil creatures in the same league as the Aswang.
Read moreLast October, episode one of a new Philippine Mythology web-series was released online. It traced back the origins and evolution of the TIKBALANG (half-horse/ half-man creature)
Read moreYou may have heard the tales of Lilith, known in vampire lore as the first vampire, the first succubus, the first temptress – the birth of vampirism.
Read moreOne of the most popular and enduring mythical creatures in Filipino lore. The tikbalang is said to be a half human, half horse creature in
Read moreThe Aswang is one of the more pervasive folkloric concepts in Philippine culture. In terms of popularity, it is the Philippine equivalent of the Western
Read moreIf the West has zombies, here in the Philippines, there is what some locals from the Visayas call the Maranhig (also Amalanhig or Amaranhig), our
Read moreIt’s Hallowe’en and that means the Philippine media will be releasing top 10 lists of scariest mythical creatures, infographics on where to find them, and
Read moreAn Engkanto, according to folklore, is an environmental spirit that has a human form. Engkantos occupy a space in the environment which is not openly accessible to us.
Read more“To the superstitious, the Huk battleground was a haunted place filled with ghosts and eerie creatures.” ~Air Force Brigadier General Edward G. Lansdale The Hukbalahap
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