Parade of MONSTERS | Gap Orchard Resort in the PHILIPPINES

An advertisement for Ferdinand Blumentritt's Dictionary of Philippine Mythology, available on Amazon.

I’m officially going on record and saying that Gap Orchard Resort is one of my new “must see” attractions in the Philippines.  Located in Davao, “Gap Orchard Resort is a ten-hectare pomelo, rambutan and sweet tamarind orchard located in Green Valley, Ma-a. It has a swimming pool, a cave, horse riding and a chapel dedicated to the Santo Nino and the Mother of Perpetual Help. There are cottages and picnic areas for those who just want to take a day tour. Camp sites are readily available for those who want to stay longer.”

As if that weren’t enough, the have a “parade of heroes” which features busts of the more prominent Filipino real-life heroes, a “parade of tribes” showing statues of various indigenous tribes, wearing traditional attire, and…wait for it…a PARADE OF MYTHICAL MONSTERS!  How cool is that?

Gap Orchard Resort states that they are not promoting the superstitions of the Philippines, but instead using these statues to educate people on the various folkloric stories that exists.  What a concept!  I applaud them for embracing this part of Philippine heritage and displaying it right along with national heroes and indigenous tribes.  They are just as much a part of Philippine history as anything else.  I am thrilled to see more and more places exploring the diverse stories and lessons that local Philippine folklore can teach us.  Well done Gap Orchard Resort…well done.

Parade of Monsters Gap Farming Resort entrance gate with a Kapre and other creature statues.
Parade of Monsters Gap Farming Resort. PHOTO CREDITS: Eye in the Sky
A Higannte lay partially under the ground, his leg, head, and hands are coming out of the ground. A sign says giant laziness.
Higante, Gap Farming Resort
How to get to Gap Farm & Orchard Resort: Gap Farm is located at Ma-a Diversion Road and its only a 15 minute ride by car from down town Davao. By public transport, you can take the jeep from NCCC Ma-a and get off at St. Francis of Assisi Church (P8/ per person). Cross the street to Phoenix Gasoline Station and take the “habal habal” (single motorcyle). Fare is P10/per person if there are two passengers, otherwise it is considered an “exclusive habal habal” ride at P20/per person.
A map showing how to get to Gap Farming Resort
Ad for Maximo Ramos books at Amazon. 10 volume realm of myth and reality.